Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Im pretty much bored so i decided to do a post myself!! *inserts loud claps* and of cos to do my part to contribute once in a while (:

As you can see, the beautiful, un-edited new Team shirt!!! *Drools* Sorry about the lousy quality picture, kinda lazy to actually use a camera so the next best alternative is of cause iPhone ^^ Anyway, lets thank BEN PEH for helping us to design and print the shirt!! I know you want to see your name here right, I grant your wish :D But with a new shirt, I hope there is a new motivation for all of us to improve as one, most importantly as a TEAM! A Team shirt with no teamwork is like just another ordinary shirt in the wardrobe. 

Saying of improvement, Nationals is around the corner.... Stressful and alll... Worst still, TERM TEST!! But like people say, no stress is no gain!! Adequate stress will actually help one to reach optimal performance. Therefore, if you want to improve, give yourself a little stress! Eg. If you want to ACHIEVE something, SET it as a goal, PLAN how to get there and of cause STICK to it. Success is sweet but no one said going there was easy. The mental torture is horrible but on a bright side its a form of mental training!!! Worst is just getting depression *cross fingers* Kidding! 

Back to nationals, I could think of a millions stories but sharing all now is a NO NO!! Like that I will run out of stories leh! Cannot!! But one thing I can confirm is that NATIONALS TRAINING IS SERIOUS STUFF BUT IT WILL NEVER BE COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL OF US! To me, winning is important but you always know, some stuff can never be bought with $$. Im sure all of us love how when we all shag or on the floor due to a stunt, and next thing you see is a angelic face with his/her hand stretch out while saying "Ok? Let do it again (: " The surge of strength and happiness, now thats priceless. But either way, let train hard and make Larry worry who to choose than be the one worry whether we will make it or not! IF THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY!!!!

Lastly, as we all know, tomorrow is a relatively special day. Its the start of the more serious training and we're  having special guests! Lets be on our best and do what we can as a nice host k (: BEHAVE, all my beloved team-mate! I DONT WANT TO SCOLD YOU ALL HOR!!! >:( HAHAHA!!! So, with this I end my impromptu post and see you guys tmr <3 !!! 

Train hard and be a proud cheerleader,
Daniel Heng.

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